A Hindu Celebration of Death and the Continuity of Life

Yoke Matze

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The Grange Museum in Neasden, Brent presented an exhibition of photographs by Yoke Matze in July on a project she had been working on for two years with Chandu and Hansa Tailor of the Indian Hindu Service of New South Gate and two families. The families involved allowed her unconditional permission to photograph the various events which involved great sadness but also celebrated life and the continuity of life.

© Yoke Matze; original in colour

As Yoke puts it in her statement:

Through exploring the meaning of Hindu death ceremonies I hope to create an awareness of the boundaries between the Eastern and Western traditions. I will focus on Hindu Rituals with their spiritual dimension which reaches beyond the concept of death as the end.

Hindus believe that when a person dies, it is the body alone that dies. The life-force within the body, the Soul, is pure eternal energy and continues to exist. The Soul leaves the body at the moment of death and begins a journey which completes in re-entry into the body of a baby to be born. The re-entry is called reincarnation. A new cycle begins.

The exhibition is an attempt to share this personal experience. This work is at the same time is a personal journey in which I address my own sense of loss.

My own cultural heritage is based on contemporary Christian foundations. I am expanding my consciousness with ideas which are not necessarily against the Christian way of death but represent an opening up of awareness to different levels of denial and acceptance.

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